Goals and Dreams

I know I have posted before about goal setting and how important it is to dream... but lately I feel really connected to how important doing these little tasks really are.

Do you dream?  And, no, I don't mean REM dreaming.  I mean dream about where you want to be in a week, a year, five years... twenty years.  Do you still want to be where you are?  Do you want to travel, start a family, settle down, move?  Do you want to buy your first house or pay off student loans?  Do your dreams require money or are they personal dreams like your health and fitness?

Whatever they are, HAVE THEM.  Write them down, look at them daily, think about them often.  It is OK to dream... to want better things in your life, for your life.  Even better, spend some time creating a dream board.  Don't know what that is?  That's ok, a few years ago I didn't either.  A dream board is somewhere to put pictures of your dreams and goals or words that symbolize them so that you have a tangible item to look at when you are setting up your plan of action.  You can use a piece of poster board... or maybe invest in a good cork board to tack up your dreams to.  Once you are done... and be intentional about your dreams... put that dream board somewhere you will see it each and every day.

Once you have achieved one or your goals or dreams you get to cross it off or take it down from your board. I think this is a really fun activity.

So what does your board look like?  Will you spend some time making one with me this week?

First on my list is to really think about where I want to be in a year and make that dream board.  I am going to put it on the wall in my gym (cause you know I am in there every day) and I am going to look at it, study it, and then I am going to start CROSSING THINGS OFF.  Because I plan on the next 12 months to be the BEST YET.  Are you?

Why don't we drop the negativity of the past... the drama... the stress... and start fresh today.  Let's not wait until New Years.  Let's not wait until Monday.  Let's do this.  Together.  Start today. 

Five years ago, I never would have guessed that my dreams would look more related to fitness than anything else... but they do.  I want to continue on my path all the while... part of my goals and dreams are to HELP others on their path.  Yep... that is going on my dream board.  Because I truly and sincerely care about helping others achieve their goals when it comes to their health.

I had a client reach out to me yesterday about to throw in the towel... just asking for a little bit more help from me.  Of COURSE I am going to help her... I want to see her SUCCEED this time.  No more going back.  Her last sentence to me took my breath away...

"Literally will have saved my life."  I spend all this time helping and motivating others through my own story and my own struggles and what I know and what I have learned... and I get caught up.  I don't notice that by reaching my own goals... by setting my own dreams in motion that I am helping others and really... they are the ones doing the hard part by working out and eating right.
Which only makes me want to keep going.  Keep fueling that fire to dream big to crush some goals.  And there is NOTHING... I repeat nothing special about me.  I am just. like. you. Just someone who has some big goals and big dreams and just wants to see more good in the world.  More happiness.  More support.  More excitement.  More smiling.  More... doing.

I have no idea where this post was or is going... I just know that this is what flowed for me this morning.  I challenge you to come up with a dream board.  Don't rush it.  Like I said, be intentional.  Everyone wants to drive a Maserati... but let's be real with our dreams. 

One of my dreams is recognition.  I think most people like to be congratulated for their hard effort and work put in.  I get to cross that one off in just a few short months.... but shhhh it's a secret for right now and I can't wait to share with you in December just WHY it is so important to KEEP CHASING THOSE GOALS & DREAMS.

Just keep doing it.

Have a great day... hope this all made sense.  ~Joslin


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