Lost It

Last night I made fun of my husband.

Picture this:
He does his nightly routine, walking around making sure doors and windows are secure.  Comes to our room and sets the alarm.  Then immediately leaves our room, walks back in a few minutes later and tries to set the alarm again.  Which when it doesn't work (because it is already set) he gets frustrated.  I ask him what he is doing and he said the alarm isn't setting.  I tell him that he JUST did it and then left the room.  The thing is, he didn't remember doing his routine the first time around.
 I got a good laugh out of it.... I think he did too, but he admitted that he has a lot on his plate right now and is stressed and just completely blanked it out.

I reach for my afternoon snack, an apple (mmmm honeycrisp) and peanut butter.  I walk over, get my apple, cut into nice neat little slices... walk over to pantry and get really frustrated for OVER FIVE MINUTES because I cannot find the peanut butter.  Didn't I just buy that jar?  Is it in the fridge? Nope. Did it fall down? Nope.  Did my kids take it? Nope.  No.... because it is sitting on the kitchen counter right by my sliced apple.  Ummmm, I don't remember taking it out.  At. All.  

It's official. I have lost it. My mind.  It's gone.  I realized just then, that I, too have a TON on my plate right now.  I usually fall to pieces emotionally when I am overworked and stressed.  But this time, the opportunities and obligations on my plate excite me... they fuel me... but apparently are also eating my brain.

We've all been there.  Right?  Please tell me I am not the only one!!  How do you deal with situations like this?  Situations that put you in a position where everything is demanding your attention?
  • Work
  • Kids
  • Husband
  • Soccer team
  • Dishes
  • Laundry
It all adds up.  My only advice that seems to be working for me is to simply UNPLUG.  All those dings and tings of your notifications are DRAINING.  Every time I hear my email or my text alert chime, my brain goes in that direction even when I am in the middle of something important.  So.  I unplug.  I experimented with this a few weeks ago by putting my phone on moon mode earlier than normal.  It is great, and don't get me wrong here I love my family, but I have family spread over 4 time zones and the texts in the middle of the night (although appreciated) are draining... my sleep.  So moon mode.  Try that first.  No more texts, calls, emails, Facebook.  Nada.

Step two.  USE THAT SILENCE BUTTON!!!  If I am in the middle of something, even if it is laundry... or more specifically catching up on my soap last week (guilty!) I silence my devices.  It is so freeing because when I AM that busy... I don't even have a chance to think about what I am missing on my phone.  It is absolutely FREEING.

Step three.  Two words.  SPA. DAY.  I got a gift certificate from my brother's AWESOME girlfriend for a FULL day at the spa!!  What!?  (Hey brother of mine.... put a ring on that girl's finger!!!)  I silenced my phone, went with a friend and completely enjoyed every second of that relaxing day.

Last step.  Stop comparing yourself.  I sometimes look to see what others are doing and try to keep up.   I am like the little sister always a step behind with my older brother's friends... but all that chasing does nothing but completely exhaust me.  Yes, I have a lot of my plate right now.  These are things I have carefully chosen to be on my plate, but clearly I am running out of room.  Time for a brain reboot.  Time to listen to my own advice.

What do you do when you feel like you have lost your mind?

Short, sweet, and to the point (and hopefully helpful!) ~Joslin


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